This walking bridge was built purely to enjoy the Malaysian scenery, and when weather permits it can be the source of breathtaking pictures of the Andaman Sea and Tarutao Island.
In order to reach this eye in the sky, you must take a cable car far up the mountain, and the cable suspension system can leave those weary of heights with strong regrets about the long trip up. However, the view is worth the trip to most and the feeling of being above the high trees of Malaysia is reported to be nothing short of breathtaking. The bridge has a slightly crooked angle to it, an intentional feature that allows the viewers to see below as well as around. Had it been flat, much of this downward view of the natural chasm it supersedes would have been obstructed. Many visitors notice that the bridge has an occasional tendency to shake, a movement that can strike fear into those with sailor-legs. It is structurally sound, however, and the two triangular platforms at each end of the bridge allow for a more stable experience as well as alternate sight lines. Its elevation 2,300 feet above sea level gives an idea for how wide ranging the view from the top truly is. If you can withstand a 15-20 minute cable car ride, potential fog ruining your view, and moderate shaking of the one thing saving you from a 2,300 foot fall, a visit to this bridge can be a once in a lifetime experience.
Source: dailypix.me