FLY a KITE with my kids

Flying a kite is great fun on a windy day. It's also very relaxing. So ditch those video games, get off the couch, and read the following directions to get you on your way to kite flying with the best of them.
1. Pick your kite. There are quite a few varieties to choose from and you can even make your own. The standard shapes are easiest to fly, but if you're looking for a challenge, go bigger and fancier.
Deltas, Diamonds and Dragon kites fly well in light to medium winds (approximately 6-15 mph) while Box Kites and stickless Parafoil kites fly better when the winds get a little stronger (approximately 8-25 mph).
2. Pick the right day. Flying is most fun when the wind is present but not too strong so you can do more than just hold on. You can make your kite dance across the sky by pulling in and letting out the line.
Wind that is too strong or too light is difficult to fly in. A flag or windsock is handy to help you see the wind. About 5-25 mph is best for most kites (when leaves and bushes start to move, but before it really starts to blow).
Never fly in rain or lightning. Electricity in clouds is attracted to damp kite lines and foolish kite fliers.
3. Pick the right space. You should be in a clear, open area. Stay away from roads, power lines or airports. Open fields, parks and beaches are great for flying kites. The more room you have, the more line you can let out.
Trees may seem harmless, but the fewer the better. They've been known to eat a few kites in their time.
4. Find a buddy to help you get the kite into the air. Flying a kite is much, much easier with two people -- and it stays fun longer.