Have crazy themed second WEDDING in LA

17 Absolutely Crazy Themed Weddings
1. Circus. Free candy apples, elephant rides, and cotton candy for everyone!
2. Clown.
3. Confederate.
4. Duct Tape.
5. Flintstones.
6. Halloween. Because there's nothing more beautiful than a fake bloody face and a dirty, torn, cheap polyester dress.
7. Hello Kitty.This is like the Asian version of having a Disney wedding with Mickey Mouse... sort of.
8. Medieval. I don't care how "fairytale" it is- my future husband is NOT wearing tights and a dress on our wedding day
9. Nude. Hopefully the money saved by not buying a dress will be put towards extra heaters.
10. Peter Pan and Tinkerbell. Wait a second... Peter Pan's not supposed to grow up and get married! That defeats the purpose of Neverland!
11. Second Life. At least the guests will save money on travel costs- all they've gotta do is log in.
12. Shrek. As long as you don't use an actual donkey as Best Man, you're good.
13. Skydiving. Hope you're not too busy kissing to pull out that parachute in time!
14. Super Hero.
15. Underwater.Just watch out for sharks.
16. Viking.
17. World War II. And the reception's in the bomb shelter!
Source: collegecandy.com